Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cal Thomas wants to trash the 1st Amendment.

Cal Thomas, in a recent piece, called for a complete dismantling of the very foundation of America's civil liberties by arguing for measures that stand directly against the First Amendment of the Constitution, and the primary foundation of the Bill of Rights.

In knee-jerk asinine response to the horrific attacks in Mumbai, India, Thomas wrote:

At the very least, all non-Western immigrants to Britain and America should be told prior to their arrival that our intention is to westernize them. They must learn English, study and embrace the history of their host nation and, if they are Muslim, they will be allowed to worship only in existing mosques. No new ones should be built. Existing mosques must be monitored to make sure that hate is not taught and aggressive behavior toward their host countries is not promoted. If such behavior and speech are detected, the mosques should be closed and the imams arrested or deported.
- Source

Okay, look, a couple of things, Cal. First:
if they are Muslim, they will be allowed to worship only in existing mosques. No new ones should be built.

To quote directly from the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Existing mosques must be monitored to make sure that hate is not taught and aggressive behavior toward their host countries is not promoted. If such behavior and speech are detected, the mosques should be closed and the imams arrested or deported.

Again, directly from the First Amendment:
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

Look, I disdain hate speech just as much as most rational people, but you cannot abridge the right of free speech. And, yes, hate speech is still covered under "free speech." Furthermore, why just Muslims? Why not abridge the right of free speech to White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis? What about radical Black Panthers that call for the extermination of the white race? Why not those who practice Christian Identity that promotes the extermination of Jews, blacks, gays, and others? Who would decide what is and what isn't hate speech? Would Rev. Wright's "God damn America!" tirade, even though he is not a Muslim nor an Imam, be grounds for deportation or closure of his church?

While I agree in spirit, the threat from radical religious wackos is very troubling, what Thomas is proposing is a totalitarian state that would have wide-reaching ramifications. There's a thing called "precedence" in law and the precedence of such measures could easily spread to Christianity, Judiasm, Hinduism, or any other religion once set in motion.

Besides the obvious fact that Thomas is advocating destroying two of the most major foundations of the First Amendment, one can't help but be reminded of what our great founding father, Benjamin Franklin, is well known and oft quoted:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
