Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dinosaurs? That's not scinece. Now, the bible says...

Some things in life are just too funny and strange to make up. I was searching Google Video for Alton Brown's ceramic smoker episode (brilliant idea, btw). Somehow, through the divine grace of Google, my search of alton brown ceramic yielded the truth from the words of Ken Hovind. At first, I wasn't sure what to make of Eric's kind and disarming demeanor. Was this some sort of joke? Then, like sweet drops of honeydew, Hovind's words began to settle upon my fragile little mind. Was I being charmed by some sort of internet video Pied Piper? Fortunately, I found his Wikipedia page, and we all know, Wikipedia is "serious fucking business™." What followed was pure intrigue. I never knew the bible contained so much science! Furthermore, I found out that there is a "scientific" field that is, according to the Great Wiki, "the search for living examples of animals taxonomically identified through fossil records, but which are believed to be extinct" and "the search for animals that fall outside of taxonomic records due to a lack of empirical evidence, but for which anecdotal evidence exists in the form of myths, legends, or undocumented sightings."

Obviously, someone with a scientific background based on hunting for leprechauns and Bigfoot has immense credibility and is not something to be taken lightly. Go ahead, take the jump and watch and listen as Kent Hovind, cryptozoologist extraordinaire, unleashes his rambling missive of superior biblioscientificalitical analysis upon you. Of course, some of the things aren't fully covered in here, you have buy DVD 6 for that.

For shits and giggles, I made this a few nights ago.

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