Sunday, March 1, 2009

Keith Olbermann is on fire.

I know most people consider Keith Olbermann to be liberal jerk-off material, but this is really is so spot on.

^ Keith Olbermann and Eugene Robinson roast Joe The Plumber.

^ Tom DeLay wants Obama to fail.

As an aside, it's nice that someone is finally saying it. Reagan didn't decrease the size of government. He didn't decrease government spending. For all of the bullshit aggrandizing of Reagan and searching for a "new Reagan"; if the GOP were to meet the actual Ronald Reagan, freshly resurrected from the grave like Jesus, they would pass him up as being "not Reagan enough." That's because the Reagan that the GOP harps so much about NEVER existed.

^ Is Michelle Bachmann really that stupid? Moreover, is the audience really that dumb to believe her?

^ How is it that this kind of massive fraud against our troops and against our nation has gone so unmitigated? That is unpatriotic.

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