Thursday, July 17, 2008

Feel the Force!

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed has been getting a lot of positive reviews. Now it seems to be getting some serious major media attention. Besides looking like a ton of fun to play, Force Unleashed is also a canonical bridge between Star Wars III: Revenge of The Nerds Sith and A New Hope. Unlike either of those movies, Force Unleashed probably won't make fans cringe quite as horrendously since Lucas probably wasn't able to hands-on destroy it.

When LucasArts releases "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" on Sept. 16, the video game will serve as George Lucas' official median between 2005's "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" and 1977's "Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope." In the game, players become Darth Vader's secret apprentice and use The Force to hunt the remaining Jedi.

"Force Unleashed" allows gamers use supercharged Force powers to bust through objects, wield a lightsaber, blast lighting bolts and fling around foes. The game will also change the way fans view "Episode IV" through "Episode VI -- Return of the Jedi," LucasArts project lead Haden Blackman told The Associated Press at the E3 Business and Media Summit.

"There's a couple of big twists and turns in the story," said Blackman. "One revelation in particular really impacts the rest of the saga as a whole. It goes way beyond filling in gaps. We try to make a bridge on every level. The story has a real implications on 'Episode IV.' In some ways, without the apprentice, 'Episode IV' couldn't happen."

Versions of "The Force Unleashed" will be available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS and PlayStation 2.

- Source

So, they're making it for the fucking PS2 but no love for the PC? Not that I'm shocked, but I am disappointed.

Force Unleashed vids:

Gameplay footage 1 @ E3

Gameplay footage 2 @ E3

E3 Stage Show Demo

Newest Trailer

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