Saturday, October 25, 2008

MK vs. DC gets nerfed.

As if people didn't think this would happen. It's a Mortal Kombat game going for a Teen rating! So, what was nerfed?

In the latest build, Joker still whips out his prank gun, a "BANG!" flag unfurling. Unfortunately, you won't see the follow up of Joker shooting someone in the face; that actually happens off screen now, the headshot safely out of sight.

Another Fatality that's seen some revision was Kitana's, one that involved her opponent being impaled by her trademark blade-fans. Initially, the first fan went into the torso, the other into the forehead. That second was a T-rating no-no. Double fans delivered to the chest, however, that's a T-rated way to end someone's life.

- Source

The funniest thing about all of this? When MK vs DC's The Joker fatality was first shown, the PR rep said, "for those thinking this would be MK Lite... The Joker actually blows Kitana's head off." So, now that we don't even get to see that, can we officially go back to calling it what it really is, MK Lite?

What The Joker's fatality was going to be

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