Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prepare for anti-Obama spin on Mohammad al-Awfi.

According to late breaking news, Abu Hareth Muhammad al-Awfi was apprehended by Yemen officials. Abu Hareth Muhammad al-Awfi was a responsible for an attack on US embassy. Look for FOX News and other conservative bullshitters to spin this as a direct result of Obama closing Guantanamo Bay. The problem wiht that is, it simply isn't true.

Hit the jump for the posts.

Yemen authorities have arrested and extradited a Saudi man who rejoined al Qaeda after he was released from the U.S. military's detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Yemen's embassy in the United States announced the arrest of Mohammad al-Awfi on Tuesday. Its state-run news agency reported Wednesday that al-Awfi has been extradited to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia recently asked for Interpol's help in apprehending al-Awfi and 84 other wanted al Qaeda suspects. It was a rare admission by the kingdom that some of its most wanted terrorists are on the loose, and it needs help in finding them.

Al-Awfi goes by several names, including Mazin Salih Musaid Awfi, Abu Hareth Awfi, and Muhammad Ateeq Uwaidh al-Aufi.

Last month, he appeared in a video along with another Guantanamo detainee, Saeed Shihri, who is believed to have been responsible for an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen that killed nearly a dozen people last September.

The attack came barely a year after both men were released from Guantanamo to the custody of Saudi Arabia. Shihri is one of al Qaeda's top leaders in Yemen, and al-Awfi is the group's field commander.

Interpol issued a rare global security alert for the men last week. Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said it was the first time the international police organization has "been asked to alert the world about so many dangerous fugitives at one time."

President Obama last month ordered the Guantanamo detention facility closed within a year. Where the almost 250 detainees now in Guantanamo will be moved to has not been determined.

- Source

Delightfully vague as to when Muhammad al-Awfi's release was, no?

Al-Qaeda video includes former Guantánamo inmates

A video has been released by a Yemeni branch of al-Qaeda showing two former inmates of Guantánamo Bay identifying themselves by their names and detainee numbers. Said Ali al-Shihri and Abu Hareth Muhammad al-Awfi were both released from the prison camp in November 2007 and went on to a Saudi Arabian rehabilitation program for jihadists which, according to the Saudi government, has provided a model for other programs. Until now, none of the program graduates had returned to terrorism. It has been confirmed that Ali al-Shihri is now deputy leader of al-Qaeda in Yemen, and it is thought that he took part in the fatal attack on the country's American embassy in September 2008. This news could have an impact on the US government's decision to close Guantánamo Bay, as Obama announced his desire for the facility to be shut within the next year,

- Source

Now, if Obama does fuck up, I want to know about it. I think we all do. We should know when our president fucks up. But this is going to get spun to high heaven as Obama closing Gitmo and terrorists being let loose amongst the populace at large, only to attack us again. And it simply isn't true.

Looking at the Open Democracy report, it is plainly obvious that the administration that released Muhammad al-Awfi was none other than the Bush administration. In November 2007. So, if you see anyone trying to pin this as "see what Obama's doing? He's releasing terrorists!" go ahead and correct them.

Muhammad al-Awfi was released under president Bush's administration back in 2007. Still, don't expect things like "facts" to get in the way of people like Dick Morris, Sean Hsnnity, and Rush Limbaugh. They'll be spinning this and lying their asses off as much as they possibly can.


Apparently, Muhammad al-Awfi has a Wikipedia page. Seriously. Check it out.

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