Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bristol Palin agrees that "abstinence only" education is unrelastic.

Abstinence-only sex eduction is a completely idiotic idea. Bristol gets it, why can't Sarah?

In her first interview since giving birth, the teenage daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said having a child is not "glamorous," and that telling young people to be abstinent is "not realistic at all."

"It's just, like, I'm not living for myself anymore. It's, like, for another person, so it's different," Bristol Palin told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. "And just you're up all night. And it's not glamorous at all," she said. "Like, your whole priorities change after having a baby."

The 18-year-old, who gave birth in late December, said she is being helped tremendously by her mother, grandmother, cousins and other family members. She is engaged to teen father Levi Johnston, who is now working for his father and trying to complete school, but said she wishes that she waited another 10 years to have a baby.


an Susteren was delicate with the teenager but pointedly asked if "contraception is an issue here."

"Is that something that you were just lazy about or not interested, or do you have philosophical or religious opposition to it," Van Susteren asked.

Bristol quickly answered that she didn't want to get into specifics. The best option is abstinence, the teen said, but added that she didn't think that was "realistic."


The network interview was Bristol's idea, the teen said. And she apparently sprung the news to her parents that she was going to speak publicly the day before the network taping. The teen said she wanted to tell her story so that other young people might think twice about having sex.

"I'd love to [be] an advocate to prevent teen pregnancy because it's not, like, a situation that you would want to strive for, I guess," Bristol said.

- Source

And... that's where you lose me. So, Bristol thinks that abstinence is completely unrealistic, but she wants to advocate not having sex instead of use of contraception? What the hell? She's directly contradicting herself. Obviously this kid still has a lot on her mind, but make a choice. You can't reasonably say that abstinence doesn't work, but that is what people need to follow. You're basically saying that the best way is to follow a failed strategy.

Obviously, she has a lot of other things on her mind, but I suggest that, if she is serious about being a teen pregnancy prevention advocate, she think long and hard about the role of proper access to contraception.

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