Friday, February 20, 2009

Famed atheist, Christopher Hitchens, beaten in Lebanon.

Found this on Andrew Sullivan's delightful blog, and thought I'd go ahead a repost it here. Seems that Christopher Hitchens, famed drunken atheist and writer of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything was roughed up some thugs outside of a watering hole in Lebanon. I agree with Sullivan that it could have been worse. Much worse.

For those that don't know, the SSNP is a radical nationalist organization, previously tightly linked to Baathist party. In short, they're basically Syrian fascists.

At the invitation of Hariri-Saudi group, Hitchens is visiting Lebanon. A source sent me this: "I dont know if you find this as news worthy or not, but Christopher Hitchens is currently in Beirut sponsored by the same group that owns that crap NOW Lebanon. He got in a few nights ago and surprisingly went out drinking. On his way out of the bar he saw an SSNP poster and wrote on it "Fuck the SSNP". There just happened to be some SSNP thugs near by--most likely asking people for their ID, and most likely to no avail--and saw him write on the poster and kicked his ass. He is still walking with a limp."
- Source

"Surprisingly"? Come on, this is Hitchens we're talking about. I don't think I've ever seen an interview where he didn't have scotch in hand or just within hands reach. Of course he's going to go out for a drink!
This story has now been confirmed. Look, it's widely known that since the May 2008 events the SSNP guys have behaved like thugs in Hamra (where the ass-kicking took place). But seriously, would you roll into East L.A. and start writing over gang signs? I mean, is that smart? C'mon, Brother Hitchens, we're rootin' for you, but have a little walkin' around sense. He was probably at De Prague. Where the wait staff is, like, 90% SSNP. Abu Muqawama's Top Three West Beirut Watering Holes: 1. Barometre (cheap arak, great fattoush); 2. Captain's Cabin; 3. Danny's. (In response to a reader, the great Chez Andre closed sometime a little over a year ago. That hole-in-the-wall was great.)
- Source

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