Egads! I can't imagine anything as horrible as enjoying a good beer, chasing a 'roo then, suddenly, being chomped down upon by a croc. "Crikeys!" just doesn't seem to do justice.
Queensland crocodile expert Dr Mark Read yesterday outlined his research into the disturbing trends of "humans doing stupid things" around crocodiles.
Most of the attacks were a combination of alcohol, swimming and the dark.
"People are getting cocky and thinking they know what they are doing, which is bad. It is a case of the number of people who continue to swim in known crocodile habitat; in 80 per cent of the attacks people were swimming or wading in these areas.
"About 40 per cent of these attacks were late afternoon or evening when predators like crocodiles are most active and most dangerous.
"The other outstanding factor was 40 per cent of people attacked were acting under the influence of alcohol."
- Source
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