Just fucking quit it, okay! I mean it! Fucking stop! Full on, absolute and utter, STOP! It was bad enough that wacko shit-for-brains nitwits were able to muscle evolution out of science classes in Florida, where teachers had to discuss th theory using "code words" such as "changes over time," yet promote the teachings of Intelligent Design. What part of "Science class" do these idiots not understand? Now some fear-mongering numbnuts are trying to fuck up CERN's Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest atom smasher.
This isn't the first time these particular "what if?" crybabies have tried to shut down various kick-ass scientific experiments. Walter Wagner made claimed that the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in New York would destroy the world. It went live in 2000. And as far as I can tell, I'm still just as here as a I was in 2000. More or less... Besides, isn't entire annihilation worth the price of trying to find the "God particle"?
It seems that basis of this lawsuit against CERN claims that the LHC could cause black holes that will eat the Earth, or killer strangelets that will slowly devour all matter as we know it. CERN, of course, says that this will not happen, though they do admit that the possibility of tiny black holes forming is a possibility.
A 2003 safety review for the LHC found "no basis for any conceivable threat". It acknowledged that there's a small chance the accelerator could create short-lived, mini black holes or exotic "magnetic monopoles" that destroy protons in ordinary atoms. But it concluded that neither scenario could lead to disaster.
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So, what is this "God particle" and why is it so important that it's worth world-wide annihilation? Higgs boson is a theoretical particle that explains how massless particles are able to construct mass in matter. This particle is also the only undiscovered part of the Standard Model of particle physics. Perhaps a better way of explaining the importance of Higgs boson is this:
Matter is made of molecules; molecules of atoms; atoms of a cloud of electrons about one-hundred-millionth of a centimetre and a nucleus about one-hundred-thousandth the size of the electron cloud. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. Each proton (or neutron) has about two thousand times the mass of an electron. We know a good deal about why the nucleus is so small. We do not know, however, how the particles get their masses. Why are the masses what they are? Why are the ratios of masses what they are? We can't be said to understand the constituents of matter if we don't have a satisfactory answer to this question.
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The LHC was set to begin powering up in April and to start experimenting sometime in May. Thanks to some whiny Samoan, a wimpy Spaniard and their limp-wristed lawsuit, that date may be delayed.
Damn is this thing cool...

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