She used to work for the local Richmond, VA NBC affiliate, WWBT. She later moved on up to NBC's national broadcasting lineup occasionally filling in for Brian Williams. She was even rumored to the replacement for Katie Couric on The Today Show, but was passed over in favor of Meredith Vieira. Campbell has since decided to leave NBC and is currently at CNN getting a good healthy dose of airtime on Election Center. She has plans to launch her own show once Election Center is over with, which will be in the same time slot.
"The things that go into putting a new show together — the staff, the graphics, whatever else — that's not my focus," she told The Associated Press. "That's not the sort of stuff that interested me anyway. What interested me was the story, and this landed in our laps. I couldn't have been happier."
Brown figured there were only so many "organize your closet" segments she could do on "Weekend Today" and remain interested.
"The most fun I ever had was on the campaign trail and covering the White House," said Brown, who followed President Bush's 2000 campaign and began at the White House after he was elected. "I knew that in my bones and I know that's who I am and I needed to find a way to express that more than I was able to express that at NBC."
By mid-November, "Election Center" becomes obsolete; Brown isn't going to avoid forever those meetings about what her show will look like. But that's two conventions and a general election campaign away.
- Source
Movin' on up, baby!

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