What are these things? No one is really sure. Egadget was just as intruiged as Gizmodo was. The actual article they linked to didn't provide much information either. Apparently is has different "modes" such as meditation, education, no smoking, etc. By "meditation" I suppose they mean the final minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey. By "education," they mean re-education. And by "no smoking" they mean turn you into a covert CIA killing machine!
As a brainwave management software utilizing special sound frequency, the Cyber MC supports a variety of modes including education, health, no smoking, meditation and more.
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We'll be honest -- there are quite a few things about the Cyber MC brainwave management solution that remain unclear to us, but it's probably for the best. Korean startup Orange Dreams has apparently concocted some sort of eyewear / software combo that can control your brainwaves and calm your nerves, convince you that you really aren't craving nicotine or make you believe that fruits and vegetables really are more delicious than a Cadbury Cream Egg.
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It's not really clear how the Orange Dream software helps you do things like lose weight, quit smoking or meditate, but the general assumption is that it flashes images in your face Clockwork-Orange style to reprogram your brain to associating delicious, flavorful cigarettes with something unappealing like third degree burns or mining accidents.
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So, if you're unafraid of the possible horrors this device might unleash (and by "horrors" I mean turns you Korean), give it a whirl.
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